Noor Care

Integrated MicroHospital Network



01. Intro

Strengthening healthcare for underserved communities in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s health system is struggling to effectively and efficiently serve the needs of its growing population. Systemic weaknesses combined with low investment and changing disease demographics have led to poor public health outcomes. Transformative approaches are needed to change this trajectory. 60% of Pakistan’s 200M+ population resides in second-tier cities that have historically been deprived of quality healthcare provision. Given that approximately 85% of quality private healthcare provision is concentrated in the main large cities across the country, there is a huge opportunity to strengthen healthcare for underserved communities in second-tier cities.

Project Type:

Care Delivery, Technology Solutions, Model of Care

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02. Insight & Strategy

Underserved communities across the country have to choose between traveling long hours to main cities for healthcare, using local irregular pop-up clinics or foregoing necessary medical treatment altogether. They lack options.

Improving standards of care and access is a challenging endeavour given the population density and the need for health services across a broad spectrum of needs.

Access to quality healthcare that is closer to home and addresses local requirements is needed. EHI has designed an integrated solution that can address local community priorities and preferences, and enable effective, efficient, and sustainable improvement in quality care delivery. 


03. The Solution

Noor Care Integrated Network of MicroHospitals

Noor Care is an integrated network of MicroHospitals that will bring quality and affordable primary and secondary care to underserved communities in small to medium-sized cities across Pakistan. 

The MicroHospitals will treat low acuity conditions, which represent 80% of needs, in a more efficient, cost-effective, and accessible manner, addressing local needs and offering a culturally-focused alternative to full-service hospital care.

Each Micro Hospital Will:

  • Offer focused care in 5 key clinical areas: General Medicine, General Surgery, Mother & Child, Pediatric, Dentistry and be supported by in-house imaging, pharmacy, and laboratory services departments

  • House a maximum of 50 beds

  • Digitally-enabled for telehealth and video consultations to enhance access to a larger population area.

  • Serve as a local referral site for specialized tertiary care from centrally located EHI centers of excellence 

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Clinical, Financial And Network Benefits

Address 80% of the healthcare needs of the local communities

MicroHospitals are increasingly recognized as the preferred method of healthcare delivery in second-tier cities.

Treat low acuity conditions in a more efficient, cost effective and accessible manner

Network approach ensures data aggregation to continuously inform appropriate care interventions and drive clinical and operational training to enhance clinical impact and delivery of quality care

Address increasing preference for quality healthcare in close proximity, reducing patient costs

Function as a referral center for more specialized tertiary care within the EHI network

Application of e-health and m-health technologies will enhance patient accessibility to consistent and quality care throughout the treatment and recovery journey and extend impact across a larger population area

Patient-centric design using natural environment to support clinical care

A local and culturally-focused alternative to full-service hospital healthcare 


The Noor Care network will start with 3 hospitals in southern Punjab, and roll-out to 10 hospitals throughout the province. Specialty centers will be introduced into the network to enhance the service offerings and integration benefits.

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Noor Care Rajanpur

The first Microhospital is currently being developed in Rajanpur. Outpatient and digital offerings to be available in 2021 with the Microhospital expected to be fully operational by early 2022.